Harmony Of Healthy Smile With Aesthetics
As Dental Residence Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic, we have been serving Denizli People since 2014 at Çamlık Branch.
As of June 2018, we started to serve Denizli People as Dental Residence Bayramyeri Branch Oral and Dental Health Center.
As of May 2022, we started to serve Denizli People as Dental Residence Adalet Branch Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic..
Within our structure, 8 dentists, 2 specialist dentists, 1 anesthesiologist, 1 nurse, 1 anesthesia technician, 1 oral and dental health technicians, 13 clinical assistants, 4 medical secretaries, 2 assistant personnel, 2 administrative coordinators, and a total of 36 employees We provide services in the branches of Oral Diagnosis, Treatment, Orthodontics, Dentistry, Periodontology, Pedodontics, Surgery, Endodontics, Dentistry in our Çamlık, Adalet and Bayramyeri Branches with 2 disabled clinics, 10 polyclinics, 2 panoramic X-Rays, 1 cephalometric x-ray, 2 sterilization rooms and 1 operating room.
Our most important goal is to serve at international standards by using the most advanced technology with our expert doctor staff, well-trained, smiling and professional team. We act with the awareness that oral and dental health is not a luxury but a need. In addition to gaining health for our patients while doing our job, by providing personalized solutions to oral and dental health services in a peaceful and comfortable environment; We aim for our patients to be healthy and satisfied with our clinic. We know the harmony of healthy smile with aesthetics better than anyone.
– To maximize the satisfaction of its guests,
– Being a private outpatient clinic registered by patients,
– Respect patient rights and adhere to traditional values,
– Contemporary, adopted a corporate business approach
Our vision is to meet the needs, wishes and expectations of our patients completely.
To provide the highest quality patient relations service without exception, we continuously update and improve the team and system we have created.
In order to provide the highest quality dentistry service, it is to follow innovations and continue continuous training.
It is to continuously improve the environments in which we offer dentistry services to make them more modern, hygienic and safe.
To continue to grow and nurture our relations with our patients through social responsibility projects that will be constantly participated.
Our Values
Respect for patients and their relatives,
Permanent trust,
Patient and employee satisfaction,
People first,
Respect for laws, society and the environment,
Being aware and creating awareness,
Sensitivity to social projects and social policies,
Medical deontology in all conditions,
Contracted Institutions
Bereket Enerji Üretim Aş.
Akış Enerji Yatırım Üretim ve Ticaret Aş.
Arnaz Res Elektrik üretim Aş.
Arova Res Elektrik Üretim Aş.
Aytaş Ayakkabı Yan San.Ve Tic. Aş.
Bereket Elektrik Tedarik Aş.
Bereket Havacılık Aş.
Düzce Aksu Elektrik Üretim Aş.
Entek Elektrik inşaat Aş.
Bereket Jeotermal Enerji Üretim Aş.
Karhes Elektrik Üretim Aş.
Söke Rüzgar Enerjisinden Elektrik Üretim Aş.
Temiz Enerji Teknolojileri Araştırma ve Geliştirme Aş.
Tümaş Mermer Sanayi ve Ticaret Aş.
Elsan Elektrik Gereçleri Sanayi Ve Ticaret Aş.
Panobel Elektrik Gereçleri Aş.
Pınarım Gıda Ve Day.Tük.Mal.Paz.San. Ve Tic.Ltd.Şti.
Pınarım Kurumsal Çöz.Sis. San.Tic.Ltd.Şti.
Pınarım İletişim Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd.Şti.
Özpak Gıda San.Tic. Ltd.Şti.
Karya Una Değer Katma Gıda Paz.San.Ve Tic.Ltd.Şti.
Berpet Akaryakıt Tar.Hay.Mad.Kim.Nak.San.Tic.Ltd.Şti.
ADM Elektrik Dağıtım Aş.
Acıbadem Sigorta (Sencard)
Türk Metal Sendikası
Berberler Odası
Fotoğrafçılar Odası
Elektrik Mühendisleri Odası
Mimarlar Odası
Denizli Ticaret Odası
Denizli Ticaret Borsası
Tavas Ticaret Odası
Sarayköy Ticaret Odası
GDZ Enerji Yatırımları Aş.
Aydem Elektrik Parekende Satış Aş.
Extranet iletişim Hizmetleri Aş.
Özel Sağlık Hastanesi Mensupları
Denipol Hastanesi Mensupları
Özel Cerrahi Hastanesi Mensupları
Eczacı Odası Mensupları
Alzheimer Derneği
Özel İnsanlar Derneği
Kımıl Tekstil Mensupları
Erbakır Mensupları
Merkez Bankası Mensupları
Vakıfbank Mensupları
Bereket Enerji Mensupları
Moneta Asist Sigorta
Remo Asistanlık
Memur Sen
Colessa Termal Otel
Herakles Termal Otel
Gazeteciler Cemiyeti
Özel Egekent Hastanesi
Denizli Koleji
Denizli Ulaşım AŞ.
Tuhafiyeciler ve Terziler Odası
Deski Genel Müdürlüğü
Optisyen ve Gözlükçüler Odası
Belediye İş Sendikası
Doğan Vinç
Denizli Sanayi Odası
Buldan Ticaret Odası
Acıpayam Ticaret Odası
Babadağ Ticaret Odası